What is the Most Effective Treatment of Malaria?

Malaria is a deadly disease caused by a bite of an infected mosquito. It starts with a chill followed by a high fever and could lead to damage to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and brain. Today medical sciences can answer all the questions related to malaria.

Malaria is an infectious disease, but it is vector-borne, which means it needs a carrier to transmit parasites from an infected person to a healthy person.

Science And Technology in India

Anopheles mosquito bites a person that is infected with malaria. The mosquito draws the infected blood from that person. Now the insect has the infection and if it bites anyone, he/she will get infected with malaria parasites. National Institute of Malaria Research identifies five different types of malaria parasites.

  • Plasmodium falciparum
  • Plasmodium malariae
  • Plasmodium vivax
  • Plasmodium ovale
  • Plasmodium knowlesi

While all types of malaria have similar symptoms but Plasmodium falciparum could be fatal. It could lead to liver and kidney failure. Also, the patient could develop convulsions and become comatic. Plasmodium vivax and ovale could have less severe problems, but they can remain dormant in the liver for many months and even years before becoming active.

How is Malaria Diagnosed?

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, diagnosis of malaria is done with a blood test. A patient with malaria-like symptoms is sent for a blood smear test where blood is scanned for parasites under a microscope.

Other tests used for malaria diagnosis include:

  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that detects parasite nucleic acid

  • Complete blood count (CBC) that checks for anemia as malaria parasites could damage red blood cells

  • A blood glucose test that checks for a specific type of sugar in the blood

How Is Malaria Treated?

The disease can be treated with medicines but only after the right diagnosis. People should be careful about malaria symptoms that include

  • Chill

  • A high fever

  • Sweats

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Body aches

  • Fatigue and sickness

You should rush to a nearby malaria research center for diagnosis as soon as the symptoms develop. A doctor at the center will do a detailed physical exam and prescribe a blood test to confirm the presence of parasites in your blood. If malaria is confirmed, you will be prescribed medicines according to the type of malaria.

What precautions are taken to prevent the spread of malaria?

First of all, you should keep your home and environment clean to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes. When there will be no mosquito breeding, you can easily control the spread of malaria.

Second, you should wear full-body clothes to prevent exposure to mosquitoes. Also, you should apply mosquito repellants suggested by doctors to prevent mosquito bites.

Third, if you are traveling to a region where malaria is prevalent, you will be prescribed medicines to control the symptoms so that you get time to get treatment.

Science and technology in India are working hard to eradicate malaria from the country. People are educated about infectious diseases, symptoms, types, treatments, and precautions to save precious lives. Together with the information, education, and treatment, we can win the battle against malaria.


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