What is ISRO's Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre?

In the year 1962, science and technology in India were not as advanced or ahead of their time. However, there was a lot of drive to become better than other countries. That is when India founded the Indian National Committee for Space Research.  

This was when the space activities in the country were started. In the very same year, the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station was opened near Thiruvananthapuram. Although these were great fats in Physical Sciences in India, they were not being utilised properly. 

This was when the Indian government established the Indian Space Research organisation, better known as ISRO, in 1969.  

Since there were too many organisations doing the same work, the government then constituted the Space Commission and opened a Department of Space. ISRO was later brought under the same department in 1972.  

What Is The Purpose Of The Department Of Space?

Department of Space & ISRO were mainly founded with the aim to promote development and the application of Space Science as well as technology. The government wanted an organisation that would solely focus on outer space innovations and aid the holistic growth of the country.

However, the Department of Space later came into use for a number of other reasons. Some of them are further mentioned below: 

  • A Launch vehicle programme was initiated and could launch spacecraft out of the Earth’s atmosphere.
  • The INSAT program later got used for broadcasting, meteorology, development of education and most importantly, telecommunications.
  • The Remote Sensing Programme used satellite imagery for a number of developmental purposes.
  • Research as well as development in Astronomy & Space Sciences for gaining knowledge to further aid national growth.  

What Other Establishments Has The Government Invested In? 

The liquid propulsion systems centre (LPSC), which is essentially a research and development centre under the ISRO, is another establishment not many know about. 

There are mainly two units of this establishment, one located in Trivandrum and the other in Bengaluru. Both these places deal with Chemical Sciences. However, there are certain pros and cons of each.  

The LPSC is more engaged with the development of the cryogenic and liquid propulsion stages for just launch vehicles and the auxiliary propulsion systems for launch vehicles and satellites. However, all precision fabrication facilities and development of transducers are managed by the Bangalore unit.  

To Sum Up 

These establishments may not come to relevance for the common mass in their daily life but are great feats of technology innovation in India. They have helped put India on the map and prove that it is capable of equal, if not better, infrastructure than the rest of the world. 

In this blog, you will find enough information about such development to acquire a basic understanding of the industry. However, if you want to learn more, you can always search online. There are many articles and blogs, some even on government official pages, allowing you to learn more. Rest assured, at this rate of development, India will soon be known as a powerful country.


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