What is the Role of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research in the Development of India?

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) is an autonomous body established in 1942 for the development of scientific knowledge in India. It identifies natural resources and develops those resources for industrial development in the country.

Let’s discuss the big steps taken by this premier scientific institution to speed up the growth of scientific knowledge in the country.

CSIR owns and operates 38 laboratories; it has 39 outreach centers at different places; 3 innovation centers and 5 units to carry out the development work. It has a large workforce including, eminent scientists and professionals with great scientific knowledge.

Creation of an Institution….

CSIR established CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR-4PI) in the year 1988 to develop modeling approaches for the study of structure and development of complex systems. CSIR felt the need for a separate institution dedicated to developing mathematical modeling and computer-based simulations that could provide real help in scientific research.


CSIR is a leading institution in developing drugs, defense equipment, medical equipment for cancer screening, manufacturing airplanes, and much more. These inventions are unique in many ways like the institution is first in many inventions. These breakthroughs further paved the way for the development of scientific knowledge in the country.

Awards and Honors….

In 1958, CSIR announced an award Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology in India. It is an annual award given to Indian scientists doing a remarkable job in any scientific field. For example, the first award was given to Kariamanickam Srinivasa Krishnan for physical sciences.


CSIR publishes 18 journals and 3 science magazines for students and people interested in increasing their scientific knowledge. It publishes magazines in English, Hindi, and Urdu languages. The publications are available for the common public on its website. It provides detailed information on its research through the publication.

Public Participation….

All the word done by CSIR encourages public to do their bit in increasing the scientific development of the country. For example, CSIR 4-PI runs short-term study programs for students of the science stream. Similarly, there are awards for people doing a commendable job in the field of earth, atmosphere & environment sciences.


India is doing fairly well in the field of space research, aerospace technology, mining, ocean science, food, chemicals, and everything that is in any way related to the field of science. But the biggest contribution of this premier institution is to encourage students to come forward and work for the development of the country.


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