How Does Biotechnology Help Indians to Grow Faster?

India is a hub of multiple industries. In the past, agriculture used to be the driving force of the Indian economy. Nowadays, India has become a stable and fast-growing economy by diversifying income sources in different fields. The service sector boom in India has brought extensive growth in retail, healthcare, pharmaceutical, and many other sectors. Along with these sectors, biotechnology is another quickly growing industry in the country. The department of science and technology focuses on developing the country into a biotechnology hub in the future. According to government sources and industry reports, India's biotechnology industry will take a giant leap in 2025. The development of this sector will bring many benefits to the country. Find some of those benefits in the following section. 1. Livestock Production While urban India depends on service, retail, and many other business sectors, agriculture is still the major driving force of the rural Indian economy. Farming includ...