What is ISRO's Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre?

In the year 1962, science and technology in India were not as advanced or ahead of their time. However, there was a lot of drive to become better than other countries. That is when India founded the Indian National Committee for Space Research. This was when the space activities in the country were started. In the very same year, the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station was opened near Thiruvananthapuram. Although these were great fats in Physical Sciences in India, they were not being utilised properly. This was when the Indian government established the Indian Space Research organisation , better known as ISRO, in 1969. Since there were too many organisations doing the same work, the government then constituted the Space Commission and opened a Department of Space . ISRO was later brought under the same department in 1972. What Is The Purpose Of The Department Of Space? Department of Space & ISRO were mainly founded with the aim t...